"Food For the Soul starts with the seasonings" Chef J.L. Michaels

S² Table Seasoning Ingredients

S² Table Seasoning Ingredients Page


 The following five green gourmet blends are 100% alkaline in nature; Don't take my word for it look up each ingredient and see the health benefits yourself. The anti caking agent is 100% plant based and is neutral in flavor.

1.) S² Original Blend:

Parsley, Thyme, Black peppercorns, Onions, Coriander, Sea salt, Cumin, Chives, Anti caking agent


2.) S² Spicy Blend:

Parsley, Thyme, Black peppercorns, Onions, Red pepper flakes, Coriander, Sea salt, Cumin, Chives, Anti caking agent


3.) S³ Blend (Soups, Stews and Sauces):

Parsley, Thyme, Black peppercorns, Onions, Coriander, Porcini sea salt, Cumin, Chives, Anti caking agent


4.) S² Salt-Free Blend:

Parsley, Thyme, Black peppercorns, Onions, Coriander, Dill weed, Lemon zest Cumin, Chives, Anti caking agent


5.) S² Master Blend:

Parsley, Thyme, Black peppercorns, Onions, Coriander, Truffle sea salt, Cumin, Chives, Anti caking agent


The following two red gourmet all-purpose seasoning blends has a balanced nature with 87% of the product being alkaline with garlic and brown sugar as the acidic ingredients. They will take your creations to the next level; Taste them and see for yourself!


1.) S² Hickory Swag Blend:

Coriander, Mustard seed, Celery seed, Red pepper flakes, Paprika, Chili powder, garlic, powder, onion powder, cumin, tomato powder, sea salt, hickory powder, black peppercorns, brown sugar


2.) S² Chi-town Red Blend:

Coriander, Mustard seed, Celery seed, Red pepper flakes, Paprika, Chili powder, garlic, powder, onion powder, cumin, tomato powder, sea salt, Mesquite powder, black peppercorns, brown sugar


There you have it! Very simple indeed! It is a true labor of love to create these blends; I can't tell you the countless hours spent in the kitchen working on them until they are just right! Lots of Salmon, Shrimp, Beef, Chicken and many pounds of vegetables went into make sure that these blends were complete products. The best thing about them is that they can be used by themselves or in conjunction your other seasonings of your choice. All seven blends are all-purpose meaning you can add them to whatever YOU feel it will taste good on. Try them yourself and see! Many have told me that they have added some to their morning eggs, fried chicken, popcorn, vegetables, sandwiches, hot soups and stews to name a few. I have three more blends in the works; An italian inspired blend is coming soon followed but a seafood and shellfish blend. The 3rd is currently top secret and is in the developmental stage :) Thank you and stay tuned!